I remember this movie name called ‘Everybody says I am fine’. Really an apt and generic title which could be taken sarcastically once one looks into it in a humorous way. Either everybody is actually fine, thus say so or perhaps everybody is bogged down by the ways of the world that they have to eventually say..i am fine. When one tries to intrigue further into this small term, it gives a multi dimensional aspect of life to it.
In todays context, perhaps, when asked..how are you…. everyone might just end up saying ‘ I am fine-d????’. well, that’s the way the local , state or national authorities want to treat people….not in a fine manner but a fine-d manner. Fining people have been an order of the day to actually ‘extract’ the way they should live. Such ‘fine’ tuning is penetrating into the lives of people like a slow poison. Fine for wrong parking, fine for wasting water, fine for not wearing helmets, fine for not wearing seat belts, fine for not segregating garbage, the list goes on???? The issue is not about the local authorities fining people, but lies in the people itself, where one has to question the moralities of the people for the government to implement such fines. An alarming rise in the road accidents due to improper riding, not wearing safety gears results in the possible implementation of fines.
‘Precaution is better than cure’ is the age old adage, which should be followed unanimously rather than creating situations where people have to act under the con-fines of the authorities. Such fines drain down in the ‘ever thirsty’ pockets of the government officials. So not creating situations where we can quench these pockets is the ultimate solution. Moreover, looking at it from the authorities’ point of view, the negligence of people to law has made the strict use of this tool as the ultimate weapon.
Indian system actually being so lenient, that one can easily escape through the law by depositing these fines, thus re-fining the malpractices. People too have become smarter when they know that they can easily flee from a certain situation by just paying such fines.
So its on the individual to look at it as a tool for change in attitude or as a cushion to getaway from things.
So the continuum in the people’s attitude towards the law and the disrespect can result in everyone saying about each other …he is my ‘fine’-‘ally’